Here on a business trip?! It doesn't have to be boring. Anacortes has a lovely, laid-back, island way of life. Explore what we have to offer in your free time when you travel here for work.

Schedule a spa or massage treatment between seeing clients.
The Apothecary Spa is a full-service facility located on the second floor of the historic Majestic Inn – enjoy massage and skincare, a wet sauna steam room, manicures and pedicures, hair removal and so much more! Native Springs offers unique healing and bodywork with clay. Handcrafted skincare selected for your greatest skin and body health. The revitalizing and hydrating product line, antioxidant-packed and custom mixed.
Enjoy a fantastic lunch at Gere-A-Deli
Located in the heart of downtown – complete with soup, salad, and sandwich; or choose their always amazing special of the day. Bob’s Chowder Bar is located in South Anacortes, close to the circle – enjoy fish tacos, bbq salmon, or chowder in a bread bowl outside, or in their recently expanded dining area.
Enjoy Northwest Brews
Relax with a local microbrew after work hours, and chat with the locals during dinner. The Rockfish Grill is right next door to the Anacortes Brewery, and the Brown Lantern Alehouse has a wide variety of Northwest favorites plus rotating taps. Sit at the bar and strike up a conversation with the folks around you – you’ll likely spend the next hour talking to a resident, and maybe even get some “locals-only” tips for the rest of your stay here!
Exercise outdoors with beautiful views.
Walk around Cap Sante Marina, bike up and down the Tommy Thompson Trail (Skagit Cycle offers by-the-hour rentals!), or drive up to Washington Park and jog the loop. There are also hiking maps to be found online or to purchase in the Visitors Information Center, located at 819 Commercial Avenue, on the ground level of the building.
We have indoor options, too.
Fidalgo Pool and Fitness Center, located at 1603 22nd Street, is a great option for indoor exercise. In addition to the pool, the facility has a fitness center and group exercise area. There are many different types of group fitness classes available throughout the day. Precor strength training equipment, free weights, treadmills, elliptical trainers, a recumbent bike, an upright bike, and more weight and exercise equipment are available for individual workouts. SilverSneakers®, Silver&Fit®, and At Your Best® programs are also offered for eligible adults 65 and older.
Grab a souvenir that’s uniquely Anacortes!
You’ll get the perfect gift by visiting these stores:
- Stop by Watermark Book Company and find a book over our local history
- Take the best of the Northwest food with you by visiting SeaBear Smokehouse and scheduling a delivery straight to your house
- Find a memento for your kitchen at Anacortes Oil & Vinegar Bar
- Select the perfect piece of art from Scott Milo Gallery
- Discover a vintage treasure at Alley Cat Antiques
- Wear the perfect accessory home after shopping at Tides of Anacortes