Our very own Skagit Valley Tulip Festival is ready to go with hundreds of acres of blooming tulips, THREE beautiful gardens (Garden Rosalyn, RoozenGaarde, and Tulip Town), and the return of our signature Tulip Festival Street Fair in downtown Mount Vernon, the Kiwanis Salmon Barbecue and Woodfest.

Our very own Skagit Valley Tulip Festival is ready to go with hundreds of acres of blooming tulips, THREE beautiful gardens (Garden Rosalyn, RoozenGaarde, and Tulip Town), and the return of our signature Tulip Festival Street Fair in downtown Mount Vernon, the Kiwanis Salmon Barbecue and Woodfest.
All three gardens will have ticketing available in advance online, allowing people to plan their trips to the Skagit Valley, choosing the time and date they want to visit. Details are available on the Tulip Festival website, www.tulipfestival.org.
Locals will want to be a part of the annual gala on March 31. The virtual celebration (brought to you by Peoples Bank and Judd & Black Appliance) includes performances by talented Skagitonians (Marcia Kester, David Benson, and Dean Snider), a Tulip Bingo game (free to enter with prizes to win), and a delicious dinner from Calico Cupboard, complete with a party pack to enhance your evening. Warren Jewelers will also announce the winner of the annual jewelry giveaway during the program. Tickets are $55 each and are available at www.tulipfestival.org in the store (click on merchandise).
Jack Gunter (author, filmmaker, and artist) from Camano Island, created a joyful, bright, and bold image for the 2022 poster. His image is available on a variety of items (posters, mugs, mousepads, trivets, and puzzles) both online and at the Tulip Festival office/headquarters at 311 W Kincaid St., in downtown Mount Vernon. You can meet Jack on April 13 and 27 at the festival office (and, of course, get your favorite tulip item signed).
The Tulip Festival is always looking for volunteers to help staff its office and events. And, if you are not already a sponsor, sponsorship opportunities are always available at a variety of levels. For more information about the festival, contact Executive Director Cindy Verge at 360-428-5959 or cindy@tulipfestival.org.